Sunday 31 January 2016

Rice planting,what you should know

Rice crops can be either direct seeded or
In direct seeding, seeds are sown directly in
the field. While in transplanting, seedlings are
first raised in seedbeds before they are
planted in the field.
When choosing the suitable planting method,
the (1) locality, (2) type of soil, (3) rice
ecosystem , and (4) availability of inputs
and labor, should be considered.
Choosing when to plant is crucial to
establishing the crop in the field. Timely
planting into a well prepared seedbed will
help produce a fast growing, uniform crop
that will have higher yields and better
competition against weeds and other pests.
The best time to plant depends on locality,
variety, weather, water availability, and the
best harvest time. Planting at the same time
(or within a 2 week window) as the
neighboring fields can help to minimize
insect, disease, bird, and rat pressure on
individual fields.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Groundnut Oil production process in Nigeria

Oil Production: How
to Extract Oil from
Groundnut Seed in
Groundnut oil has been one of the highly
demanded oil in Nigeria. It has been preferred
by many people to the other oil (vegetable oil)
for cooking in the home. Many do prefer it
because of the sweet aroma from the oil and
looking at the price relative to other cooking
oil, it is less expensive than the other cooking
This oil is extracted from groundnut. Someone
was just saying to himself, “from groundnut”?
Yea you can extract groundnut oil from the
same groundnut you use to drink garri. As a
Food Technologist and an entrepreneur, I will
not only show you how to extract the oil but I
also will be teaching you how to market the oil
in Nigeria.
There are various method through which you
can extract groundnut oil from it seed, though
I’m gonna focus on the traditional method in
this post. Reading this post and getting
started now could help you get going with the
traditional method and from there, you are
likely to later own a big oil company in your
country or town. Many people even earn there
living from this, remember drop by drop makes
a lake.
Right before showing the method it will be
good to give a description of the product in
terms of the physical and chemical properties
of what we are to produce. These are the
things you should know before going to the
extraction method. Looking at the density of
oil relative to that of water, oil (cooking oil) is
less-dense to water. If you’ll like to practise
this just pour some water into a bowl
containing oil and observe what happen. You
would see that the oil will float on top of
water which means water that is denser has
sunk to the bottom.
Also oil is more viscous than water. Oil can
not dissolve in polar solvent like water but in
non-polar solvent.
Oil can also undergo a process called
hydrogenation to form fat; this is done by
heating oil in the presence of catalyst and
hydrogen to result into fat (i.e. margarine).
When oil is mixed with caustic soda it yield
soap,a process called saponification.
Extraction Process
The first step is to get the materials, which
1. Groundnut seed
2. Mill
3. Source of heat (for pre-blanching).
STEP #1:
Having succeeded in getting the materials, you
then proceed to clean the seed. Note that
cleaning here does not mean washing the
seed. Cleaning here is picking the extragenous
materials (dirts) in the seeds. This is very
important because ignoring this step will
affect the taste and colour of the oil. Dirt here
also refer to the spoilt seeds (rotten seeds) or
seeds with fungi like mucor growing on them.
You must do this in order to get a quality end
product that will be nutritive in value.
STEP #2:
You then proceed by carrying out a process
called pre-blanching. This is heating the seed
in a low heat. Why should I do this? This is to
rupture the oil cells and also to make it easy
to remove the husk (i.e. the seed coat).
STEP #3:
Next you have to carry out winning. Since it’s
a traditional method, you can do this by
robbing within your palm in order to remove
the back coat. The coat will be winnowed from
the seed.
STEP #4:
Having done that you take your naked seed to
the Attrition Mill for grinding. No attrition
mill? Then you can use a grinding machine
instead. The grinding make you to get a paste.
STEP #5:
The next thing you’ll do is to add a little hot
water and squeeze the paste in order to
extract the oil. Gradually oil begins to come
out. This continues until you’ve squeeze
reasonable oil from the cake.
Note that oil would still remain in the paste,
you’ll extract the remaining oil by frying. Thus
you’ve succeeded in extracting your oil. The
fried paste is your groundnut cake. Got any
question, ask using the Comment Form below.
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Sunday 10 January 2016

Are you interested in starting a palm oil
plantation and you need advice on how to go
about it? Do you need a sample palm oil
plantation business plan template or feasibility
study report ? Then i advice you read on.
LOOK!!! There is currently a revolution going
on in the agricultural industry, not only in
Nigeria but all over the world. Food is an
important necessity of life and the world
governments cannot allow food shortage as it
might lead to crisis. If there is any better time
to start a business in the agriculture sector,
that time is now.
Do you have an undeveloped land in a remote
area, or you inherited a land that you know
you will not be developing in the next ten
years? Then this is the best time to turn that
land into an income producing asset.
Why You Should Start a Palm Oil
Plantation Today
The oil palm tree is one of the most useful
trees ever known. Every part of the tree – from
its fruit to its leaves and trunk, and to its sap
– is used for one thing or the other. While the
fruits are processed into palm oil and palm
kernel oil, the fronds ( leaves) are used for
roofing houses in rural areas and camps, and
the sap ( palm wine ) is a refreshing drink
taken in many parts of Africa.
Palm oil is red in color and is used for
domestic cooking in many countries. It is also
used in the production of soaps and
cosmetics, just like palm kernel oil, which is
made from the same fruit.
If you live in a country like Nigeria, Ghana, etc;
where red palm oil is in huge demand
domestically and industrially, you can make
huge profits by starting an oil palm
plantation. Read on to find out what you need
to know and do to start an oil palm
Starting a Palm Oil Plantation –
Sample Business Plan Template
Oil palm plantation simply involves cultivating
oil palm trees. When it is time to harvest, you
will sell your palm fruits to manufacturers,
who would process the fruits to produce red
palm oil. After harvesting and selling, you will
wait until the next harvesting season to sell
again. This can continue for decades, which
means an oil palm plantation can continue to
fetch you huge income for several years to
What are the requirements for starting an oil
palm plantation?
Though it may not sound like a business, due
to the “plantation” tag. But the truth is that,
an oil palm plantation is a business, and you
should regard it as such. This means starting
it requires the same input factors that other
business require, which are land, labor, and
capital. We will now discuss each of these
1. Land
Since you are starting an oil palm plantation,
you will definitely need a large expanse of
land. This can range from few plots to
hectares of land, depending on what you are
able to obtain.
The first important factor to consider when
acquiring land for your oil palm plantation is
the soil. Is it fertile? Would it be suitable for
growing oil palm trees ? If you are in doubt
over the quality of the soil, then have it
examined by experts. This is very important,
for obvious reasons.
In addition, since your land will be your
production factory, so to say, it must be
located where buyers can easily assess it.
Although you can easily find lands with good
soils for oil palm cultivation, you should
choose one that is motor-able, since most of
your buyers will use large vehicles to convey
oil palm fruits from the farm to the sites of
After acquiring a piece of land, you will need
to prepare it well for the plantation. It is
highly recommended that you use tractors to
pulverize and loosen the soil and remove hard
roots in preparation for palm seeding.
2. Labor
Though you may not need to hire permanent
staff, you will need to hire individuals to assist
you with each stage involved in starting an oil
palm plantation. For example, you will need to
hire laborers or a tractor operator for the land
clearing process. You will also need to hire
laborers for the planting process. And each
time you need to harvest, you will need to hire
laborers to handle the task for you.
3. Capital
This refers to the money required to start the
business. This includes the cost of acquiring
land – either by buying or renting, the cost of
hiring workers, the cost of maintaining the
farm, and the cost of purchasing the seedlings
that you will be starting with.
The Steps Involved…
Having discussed the requirements for starting
an oil palm plantation, we will now look at the
steps involved in starting an oil palm
Acquire land and prepare it for the
Buy the seedlings that you will plant.
Although you have the option of growing
the seeds yourself, this takes time and you
may end up with low yield seedlings. A
seedling sells for N150 in Nigeria (about
$1). You will need at least 1000 seedlings
for a plantation of moderate size.
Plant the seedling on the already prepared
land. Ensure that there is adequate
spacing between the plants. Without
adequate spacing, the roots will interfere
with each other, leading to limited growth
and low yield. The best spacing is 8-9
meters between any two plants.
Weed the farm and apply fertilizer to the
plants at intervals. This interval varies
with quality of the soil and the rate at
which weeds grow around the plants. You
will need to get an expert’s
recommendation for this.
How long does it take to start harvesting?
Your first harvest will be around two years
after planting your seedlings. So, if you have
the capital and other requirements, now is the
best time to invest into your future by starting
an oil palm plantation.

Soya beans planting process and its lucrativeness

Soybeans is one of the cheapest source of
protein and is very essential for
nourishment of both adults and children.
Soybeans is very easy to grow and does
well in most soils in Nigeria. We want to
take a look on How to grow Soybeans in
Nigeria but before then, let’s look at the
benefit and profit potential of soybeans
production in Nigeria.
Soybeans is a legume that has been in use
centuries ago and recently gained entry into
the Nigeria farming circle. Annually, a good
number of the world’s total soybeans
production are processed into different
types of soybean meal and oil. These meals
and oils are very essential for child and
adult health alike. It is everywhere in the
market and sells in millions.
Apart from human consumption, soybeans
is used for the production of nutritious
animal feeds of different kinds in the
market. Approximately 98 percent of the
soybean meal that is crushed is further
processed into animal feed with the balance
used to make soy flour and proteins. Of the
oil fraction, 95 percent is consumed as
edible oil; the rest is used for industrial
products such as fatty acids, soaps and
Why is soybeans so useful? Soybeans is one
of the few plants that provides a complete
protein as it contains all eight amino acids
essential for human health. Soybeans
contains the highest amount of protein that
can be found in any legume or grain.
Soybeans also contains decent amount of
carbohydrates, fat, dietary fiber, minerals,
and vitamins. It is equally used for
treatment of many chronic diseases.
Soybeans is indeed the powerhouse of
goodies and cultivating it means cultivating
good food and powerful medication for
human and animals. No one who engage in
such farming that wouldn’t smile home with
Soybeans is one of the product you can
export and make dollars but unfortunately,
Nigeria is not yet exporting this valuable
product despite being the highest producer
of this crop in Africa. The reason is because
we are not yet producing enough. The world
market for soya is about $42 billion and
Nigeria is currently producing soya worth of
$86 million, can you now see the gap.
If a farmer could take it to the next level
and begin to farm this product in a very
large quantity, he will have enough to
export and make foreign currency from the
over $40 billion global annual market. Even
if you decide to sell locally, there is huge
market for it in Nigeria too. Many products
in the market are being made with soybeans
such as soya milk and soya vegetable oil.
Price of soybeans in Nigeria per metric
tonne is about N100,000. If you produce 20
metric tonnes in a season in Nigeria, you
will be making N2,000,000. You can
produce 20 metric tonnes of soybeans in
Nigeria with N700,000. That means in a
season you will be making N1.3 million
naira from the modest investment of
N700,000! So, how do you get started with
soybeans farming?
How to Plant Soybeans in Nigeria
Choose the right veriety of soybeans seed
for your planting if you wants a good
harvest. Selecting only the right seed
ensures that you spend less in maintaining
and harvest more.
Soybeans does very well in most part of
Nigeria. However, the growth of this product
is still influenced by soil characteristics and
climate conditions. Soybean is believed to
performs well in the Middle belt, South East,
South South, and South West region of
Nigeria where rainfall is more than 700
But short duration varieties also thrive in
the much drier parts of the North when
sown early and with an even distribution of
rainfall throughout the growing period.
Having these in mind, you proceed to
choose your farm location.
Clear all vegetation before land preparation.
The seedbed may be prepared manually
with a hoe or animal-drawn implement or
tractor Well-prepared land ensures good
germination and reduces weed infestation.
You can plant on ridges or on a flat
There is an ebook to guide you through the
process of soybeans cultivation in Nigeria
and the appropriate climate and conditions
as well as the best practices. To get this
ebook, follow the guideline below.
1. Comment under this article to indicate
your interest in getting the ebook. Do not
include your email in your comment, just
make a comment showing how interested
you are in soybeans farming.
2. Subscribe to our free email update, the
subscription box is at the top of the sidebar
of this website. You can only see it if you
are browsing with Laptop, if you are using
mobile phone to browse, you’d have to use
laptop to be able to see. Enter your email
address in the box and click on subscribe.
Then go to your email inbox and verify your
And make your payment. Once you do that,
the ebook will be send to your email for you
to download and enjoy absolutely.

Friday 8 January 2016

How to setup a profitable Fish farming business

Fish farming consists of two major
subdivisions, which could either be operated
separately or as an integrated process. The
two subdivisions are the nursery and the
grow-out pond operation. The nursery
operation is the basis for the grow-out
operation and as such it cannot be operated
without the nursery.
The nursery involves the inducement of the
female fish to lay eggs, which are then
fertilized, incubated and hatched.these fish are known
as fries. These fries are then nurtured from
between three and four weeks into fingerlings
which is the size suitable for use in the fish
grow-out operation.
In-between the nursery and grow-out
operation is what the purpose of this manual
referred to as the primary operation. It
involves the nurturing of the three or four
weeks within which they could grow into post
fingerlings, mini juveniles and juveniles
respectively. These can then be nurtured for
between four to five month into grow-out or
table size fish suitable for sale and
Going in catfish farming involves the following
Here, one has to determine whether one wants
to go into a big or small-scale commercial
venture, secondly, the pond system to adopt,
Re-circulatory system, earthen pond or
concrete/plastic pond or both.
This is very important. One has to acquire at
least half plot of land in a suitable location.
This means, you must consider good access
road, closeness to market and labour. If the
land is already available, it is good. Then we
apportion it as follows:
1. Location of ponds
2. Location of farm house
3. Location of water supply and lastly,
location of drainage facility. The last point is
very important, as you don’t drain your water
to constitute public
Water supply Source: The best water for fish
farming is from bore hole. One or two must be
sunk to guarantee steady water supply.
Overhead tanks for holding water should also
be installed. The mechanism of pumping of
water must be back up facility. The system
must not fail.
Pond Construction: It is advisable to engage
the service of a consultant. The success or
failure of this project depends largely on
construction of standard ponds that can stand
the test of time. For Farm Business setup, is expert
in this area call 08060243133
For one to get the most profit for a catfish
harvest, it is necessary to determine buyer
requirements when planning the season’s
production. Consider what buyers demand in
terms of weight, frequency, size and price. One
can sell the season’s harvest to fish
processors or directly to consumer. The latter
results a greater return to the farmer.
Most commercial hatcheries offer many
species of fish that a pond owner can
purchase for stocking into his or her pond. A
number of these species are better suited for
the pond environment than others, and some
can actually cause problems. The intention of
this fact sheet is to provide information on
which fish species are recommended for
stocking, those species that are often stocked
but rarely provide the benefit intended, and
those species that should not be stocked into
a pond.
The most common catfish species found in
Nigeria are; Clarias gariepinus and
The largest operating cost is feed. There are
various types of catfish feeds. The type being
used at any particular time is a function of
size of fish being fed, whether the fish are
feeding at the surface or in the water column,
and if an antibiotic is incorporated.
Catfish fry in hatcheries are fed finely ground
meal- or flour-type feeds containing 45-50
percent protein. Fines or crumbles from 28 or
32 percent protein feeds for food fish growout
are suitable for fry stocked in nursery ponds
until they reach 1-2 inches in length. Larger
fingerlings should be fed small floating pellets
(1/8 inch diameter) containing 35 percent
protein. Advanced fingerlings (5-6 inches) and
food fish are generally fed a floating feed of
approximately 5/32 - 3/16 inch in diameter
containing 28-32 percent protein. You don’t
need to depend on floating feed throughout
your production cycle you can learn how to
produce local cheap feed in our manual
Catfish farming is increasingly becoming an
attractive form of agriculture for many
Nigerians especially young people. Farming
fish which belongs to the part of agriculture
referred to as ‘aquaculture’ is catching the eye
of many people as the prospects of profit,
especially at first glance seem motivating
enough. This form of agriculture has found a
huge followers-base primarily due to the
relative ease of culturing catfish, the readily
available markets for catfish, e.g. with
restaurants, especially as catfish is a
treasured delicacy among many Nigerian
cultures as well as the profitability of a
successful catfish venture.
Many Nigerians involved in catfish farming
use concrete ponds or plastic tanks. Both
methods have their strengths and weaknesses
and it is wise for the would-be catfish farmer
to explore these perspectives before making a
decision on which to adopt. While using
concrete pond seems to be more natural to
culturing catfish, plastic tanks can come
handy where availability of space is a
constraint. Using ponds also gives the farmer
the leverage of culturing a relatively larger
number of fishes as pond design can be
tailored from the outset to match intended fish
density. Culturing tanks are however limited in
sizes and fixed, thus limiting the catfish
farmer to stocking the tanks with a restricted
number of fishes for best results.
African catfish usually takes an average of 5
months to reach table size. At this age they
usually have attained an average weight of
1kg. The weight attained by catfish after 5
months is however variable depending on a
number of factors that may include, quality of
fingerlings used, quality of feeds, water
management quality, absence of disease,
stocking density among others. It is not
uncommon to have fish weigh up to 1.5kg
after five months.
The market price of African catfish is usually
gauged per kg-weight of fish. This price varies
across several geographical locations in
Nigeria. On the average catfish can be sold for
N500/kg in Lagos, N650/kg in Makurdi and
750/kg in Abuja. The market for catfish
however is not lacking, irrespective of
geographical location, disparities merely occur
in the pricing of catfish: which is dependent on
the dynamics of demand and supply.
Before venturing into catfish farming, it is
pertinent to take a number of factors into
consideration for success. Rearing catfish is
not merely about buying fingerlings and
‘dumping’ them in a pond and then feeding
them ‘thrice’ a day. From the outset the
farmer should take time to put into
consideration the following: quality of
fingerlings, pond design, feeding program,
water management and well as markets for
harvested catfish.
Quality of Fingerlings: Catfish fingerlings are
of different breeds, just like other species of
animals. It is important that the catfish
farmer takes his time to identify fast growing
and disease resistant breeds of fingerlings to
ensure profitability in a catfish venture. This
can be done through appropriate consultation
with a specialist in fingerlings and physically
evaluating fingerlings from several farms
before making a pick on stock of fingerlings.
Pond Design: Stocking density plays a huge
role in the growth rate of cultured catfish. Like
for all other animals over-crowding catfish
would increase competition for resources like
food and oxygen. This can promote the growth
of some fish at the expense of others and in
the end lead to cannibalism. Besides, pressure
stresses due to over-stocking are bound to
affect the all-round development of fish in the
pond. Once stunted growth sets in from the
outset it is bound to linger. Therefore the
catfish farmer would want to consider an
appropriate length, breadth and depth of pond,
depending on his intended number of fishes to
stock pond with. Also pond design should
incorporate provision for the separation of
fishes in the event that growth is non-
proportionate to avoid cannibalism. Water
management for pond would mean periodic
changing of water and pond design should
incorporate this from the outset to avoid
Feeding Catfish: This constitutes the bulk of
the cost of rearing catfish, usually 60% and
above. In most places in Nigeria available
catfish feeds are imported and cost an
average of N5,500/15kg bag. A 15kg bag can
take 700 two month old fishes just 10 days!
While you are in a hurry to start reaping the
profit from catfish culturing, be prepared
beforehand for the challenge of feeding the
fishes. Catfish can be fed once or twice a day.
Excessive feeding of fingerlings increases the
cost of rearing catfish and thus results in
wastage as this may only result in marginal
growth increases. Feeds are also a primary
source of pond water pollution and excessive
feeding constitutes a water management
challenge. Thus the catfish farmer needs to
strike a balance between feeding and water
management. There are several subjective
formulas used to determine an appropriate
feeding program for fish. One is to provide as
much feeds that fishes can finish in 5 – 10
minutes. This can then be used as the
quantity of feed needed for ‘satiation’. Using
this formula, catfish can be fed just once a
With respect to feeding catfish, an alternative
for Nigerian farmers is the use of locally-made
feeds. Unlike the imported counterpart, local
feeds cost an average of N3,500/15kg bag
without considerable growth implications. A
challenge however would be to access sources
of such local feeds as most parts of Nigeria
are filled with the expensive imported feeds.
Water Management: A huge percentage of fish
deaths have been related to water
management issues. Pond design should take
into consideration the pH of water (acidic
water kills fish real fast, basic water is suitable
for fingerlings and neutral water is required for
fries (really tiny fishes)). It is also important
to stimulate the growth of plankton by
introducing manure into the pond before
stocking with fingerlings. Oxygen requirement
for fishes is dependent on an effective water
management system as too much plankton
growth results in competition for oxygen
among plankton and catfish. Waste from fish
as well as pollution from feeds also reduce the
oxygen content of pond water, resulting in
stresses on fish. An indication of declining
oxygen is when fishes are seen for
considerable periods on the water surface
(trying to breathe better). Water should be
replaced from time to time (though this can be
a challenge in places where water availability
is a problem)
The aim of every fish farmer is to breed a fish
to one kilogramme body weight or more in the
shortest possible time, usually between four
and five months if properly done. Unit prices
for table sized are between N500 and N600
per kg at the farm gate. One gets more profit
if one operates a market outlet to cut off
shylock middlemen.
People find it difficult to get the fast growing
species of fish. But, I am happy to tell you
that at farming business setup 08036320607,
we have quality fingerlings you can start your
fish farming business with. Our catfish species
grow faster and heavier than any other catfish.
As you can see, you too can easily and quickly
build a much better catfish farming business
for you and your family; by simply learning all
these tips, tricks & time saving shortcuts that
the top producers use every single day.
And the good news is that now you can have
access to them all in my new guide Titled
FARMING IN NIGERIA..................
Our guide will run you through questions you
need to consider before construction of your
catfish pond begins. It will also give you a
basic idea on what to expect when operating
and managing your catfish business.
Commercial Fish Production
Sustainable aquaculture production
Why some fish farmers fail
Sitting the farm
Five ways to make money from catfish farming
in Nigeria
Types of pond
Advantages of Concrete Ponds
Difference between concrete pond and earthen
Recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS)/
Advantages of RAS
Which Pond is better; a Rubber Liner Pond, or
a Concrete Pond?
Deciding whether to lime a pond
Choosing liming materials
Timing and application of liming materials
When to use lime to condition your ponds
Choosing Your Male & Female Brood Stock
Injecting the Female Fish
Getting the Male Sperm
Stripping the Female Fish
Mixing Sperm with Eggs & Spreading Inside
the Vat
Feeding the Fries
Daily schedules of works in trough rearing of
Sorting: A Necessary Factor
Operational cost for fingerlings production
Diseases of fingerlings
Transportation of fish
Water quality/quantity
Stocking Good quality fingerling/juvenile
Feeds, feeding and feed milling
Feed formulation and processing
Feed formulation table from 2month old fish
and above
An example are as shown below (this is a
proven formula) for a tone (1000kg)
Culturing tilapia for feeding your fish
Handling, sampling and harvesting
Catfish health
Practical preventive measures
Predators and their Control
Running a fish farm as a business
Operational cost for stocking 3,000 catfish
Frequently asked question and answers
Fish Feed Dealers in Nigeria
Cost of Materials
Labour cost
Cost of Plumbing work
if You Act Now, You Also Receive These
Amazing Bonuses
Call /whatsapp 08060243133

Pig production business

Pig production business in Lagos state alone
has the potential of generating about $2
billion (N300 billion) annually. Gbolahan
Lawal, the commissioner for agric, Lagos
state revealed this recently at a forum in
Lagos organised by the Commercial Agric
Development (CADP) team.
Currently two piggery estates exist in the
state. These are Oke Aro and Gberigbe in
Alimosho and Ikorodu local government areas
respectively) with a total of 250 pens being
managed by 1200 farmers of the total 2,350
pig farmers in the state.
Pig farmers are also spread across Ojo,
Alimoso, Badagry and Ikorodu local
government areas; that the state has a total
of 205,696 pigs of which about 43 percent are
reared in the Oke Aro and Gberigbe estates.
Oke Aro Pig Farm Estate has the largest
concentration of pig farmers in the West Africa
Sub region and has patronage from as far as
Republic of Benin. Leveraging on this huge
potential in piggery value chain will increase
pig production by 20 percent, increase sales
by 30 percent as well as employment
generation by 30 percent in the next five years
The Oke Aro Farm Settlement has been a good
source of income for men and women that
come from Oke-Aro itself, Agbado, Ope ilu and
other surrounding towns and villages.
Raising pigs can be pursued as a small-scale
operation as source of family meat and
supplement income or it can be made into a
large-scale operation. Pigs may be raised in
highly controlled environments (hog lots)
indoor, in open spaces or barns as breeding
sows or grown and sold for slaughter to
butcher shops. Here are the aspects of pig
raising that a grower must carefully consider:
Choosing Piglets to Raise
Pig feeders can be obtained from stock
breeders, and producers, in auctions and
classified ads. Pigs are of different breeds
some of them are well suited for specific
environments, indoor or outdoor. Crossbred
pigs tend to grow faster, consume feed more
efficiently and are vigorous. When buying a
feeder, choose the large and healthy looking
ones, at least 25 lbs. If you are choosing a
male, which is observed to grow slightly faster
than females, get one that is already
castrated. Male or female, they are preferably
immunized. Ask the breeder for health
information and stock of the breeder.
Proper Nutrition for Pigs
Pigs feed on both grains and meat. They can
also be fed with cooked table scraps and
vegetables. Corn is their most common food,
but they could benefit from having a diet with
protein from soybeans or cooked meat.
Further, they grow faster with vitamins and
other supplements. Piglets have higher protein
requirements than mature ones. Feeds can be
bought packaged and in bulk. Pigs must also
have adequate supply of drinking water daily,
about two to four gallons. Provide water either
through a tub or automatic nipple waterer.
Ideal Housing for Pigs
Pigs need housing to keep them warm during
cold temperatures and to shelter them from
excessive heat. Pigs are sensitive to heat and
could die from heat stress. When housed
indoors, temperature conditions must be well
regulated. Controlled temperature conditions
can help maximize growth. Cooling
mechanisms for pigs can come in the form of
drip water system or a wallow (for a hog pen).
Pigs can be housed indoors in individual
stalls, pens (in groups or batch) or in barns.
Even if the pigs are raised outdoors they
would need a shelter during cold and hot
weathers. The housing should have a space
for feeding and bedding.
Pig Farm Sanitation
Sanitation is important to keep the pigs
disease-free. A mechanism for easy cleaning
and removal of waste is necessary for any type
of pig housing. Some use slotted pen floors to
make waste collection easy. Hosing a barn
and removal of manure daily are
recommended. So is keeping the floor dry to
reduce odour.
After five to seven months, pigs are likely to
reach ideal market weight of more than
Apart from the challenge of sourcing for
roughages, I don’t think there is any other
one. The return on investment in the business
is very high because a female pig gives birth
to about 10 piglets twice in a year, and each
piglet sells for about N5, 000
Are you frustrated with the limited quality of
Pig Raising books on the market? Are you
disappointed again that they are difficult to
follow? Not enough information? Do you have
questions on raising pigs properly that need
to be answered?
You have tons of questions about raising pigs
and you’re sick and tired of searching for
information from all over the place, struggling
to get the true and complete facts.
The gestation period in pigs is 115 days;
(3months,3weeks,3days) so, they reproduce
regularly to provide income for the farmer. The
business requires patience. Anyone who
wishes to go into pig farming must have a
passion for the business. Feeding pigs takes a
period of seven months before they mature for
selling. You need to start with the weaners
which go for about N5,000 while pregnant
pigs are sold for N30,000-N40,000. Those
who don’t have good knowledge of the
business can end up feeding their pigs for 10
months and get just 50kg. But if you really
understand the nitty-gritty of pig farming, at
seven months after weaning, you can get 80kg
to 100kg. Pigs are sold according to their
weight @N260 per kilogramme.
Our guide will run you through questions you
need to consider before construction of your
pig farm. It will also give you a basic idea on
what to expect when operating and managing
your pig farm business.
E-Book Manuals for start-up
CHAPTER 1 How to start pig farming business
Breeds and breeding
Choice of Breed
Selection of Breeding Gilts
Selection of Breeding Boars
Breeding Programs - Breeding models
Management of Breeding Stock
Farrowing and birth management
Farrowing preparation measures and birth of
Birth of piglets
Problems related to the birth
CHAPTER 2 Piglet management
Feeding piglets whose mother does not
produce enough milk
Teeth Trimming
Anaemia or Iron deficiency
Tail Docking
Splaylegged Piglets
Rearing motherless piglets
Feeding program
Weaning piglets
Problems at weaning
CHAPTER 3 Housing/Construction details of a
Feeder and waters
Wallowing tank
Feeding passage
Cleaning passage
Sewage tank
Compost pits
Room Arrangement
Determining The Number Of Pens And Stalls
Required In A Pig Unit
Determining the number of places for
replacement stock
Determining the number of places in the
growing / finishing accommodation
Layout of the piggery
CHAPTER 4 Feeding pigs
Feed sources
Making Rations
Other Alternative Feed Resources to Assist to
Reduce Feed Cost
Daily Feed Requirements
Pig feed formula
Feeding rates by age and expected weight
CHAPTER 5 Common pests and diseases in
Symptoms, Prevention and treatment
General recommendation
Responsible use of vaccines and vaccination in
pig production
Worming Recommendations For Pigs
Six Steps To Antibiotic Selection For Nursery
And Finishing Disease
Water medication for pigs
Buying in stock,
Moving and transporting
200pigs or more in 12months under good
Our ebook can help you establish the clear
vision and goals you will need to guide your
new agricultural venture. It will help you
identify and assess personal motivations,
business and farming skills, and available
resources. It will help you clarify values. The
goal of Our ebook is to help you decide
whether starting an agricultural business is
right for you, and-based on that decision-to
help you plan practical next steps.
Product Details
• Print Length: 120 pages
• Publisher: Farm Business Setup Venture
(January 4, 2016)
• Publication Date: Last edited ( (January
4, 2016)
• Language: English
• PDF to Word Wise: Enabled
PRICE: N5,000
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Harvesting your own pigs at farm is much
easier than you might think. You don't need a
lot of fancy tools or front end loaders or
special facilities. All you need is two
moderately strong people, a few tools and a
The first thing is, of course, to kill the pig. I
was unable to get actual pictures of this since
it's a little hard to take photographs and
plunge a knife into 90kg of kicking, thrashing
pig. You've all read about making an 'x' from
the pig's eyes to his ears and aiming for
slightly higher than the intercepts of the two
lines. That's what you're aiming for. The
desired outcome is a stunned, but not totally
blown away pig, ready for the next step which
is sticking. You want the pig to actually die
from loss of blood from the severed arteries in
its neck.
There are hundreds of pictures and videos of
this out there - try a youtube search. It
sounds much harder than it actually is. If you
can't go watch someone first - you'll be fine.
Just do it - afterwards you'll be amazed how
easy (and fast) it really goes.
After you've stuck the pig and it's really
bleeding well, step back. Get outta the way
and let it do its thing. It might take it a little
while. If it's still bleeding and kicking after a
minute or so - try sticking it again - you may
not have cut well enough. Chances are you'll
be fine though
OK - you've done it - you've killed and bled a
pig! Congratulations. The rest is child's play
by comparison.
Next step. Drag that pig out on to a clean
('ish) surface - gravel is nice - clean concrete
is nicer. Now grab a scrub brush and hose off
the blood, mud and poo that might have
gotten smeared all over during the death-
throes. Go over the whole pig scrubbing and
rinsing till you get him nice and clean. This
will help immensely keeping the meat clean
when you skin - why bother with all that
trouble when you can wash it all off in 5
minutes and know you've got a nice clean
carcass to work with.
OK - now you've got some options.
Traditionally, pigs were scalded and scraped
to get the bristles and gunk off them. This left
the hide on the pig - which was helpful if you
were going to salt it down and hang it up to
dry. Many traditional cultures would
alternatively scorch the bristles by mounding
straw over the clean dry pig and setting the
pile alight. This works very well too and was
preferred by many as they thought it closed up
the pores better and made the bacon keep
better. A modernized form of this is to use a
propane roofer's torch to burn off the bristles.
We do this in the fall when we kill 7-10 pigs
at a time simply because we don't have
anywhere to hang that many hogs. The skin
still really helps keep the meat clean - we
scorch them, scrub them really well, gut and
halve them and lay them out on a sheet of
plastic on a concrete floor which really helps
chill them down nicely.
The best and easiest thing (in my opinion) is
to skin the pig right away. Then it's ready to
go when you're ready to cut it - no fuss - no
muss. There are, I am sure, a thousand ways
to skin a pig. What we do is to make a
skinning cradle out of 5 2x4's set on a couple
of saw horses. Cheap and easy. Pigs skin
most easily from the head back - rather than
from the hind-end forward like one would
normally skin sheep or cattle or deer. You can
hang them by the jaw or by the back trotters -
whatever. If you're just doing a few though a
cradle really make it nice.
Now, with your clean pig on his back, take
your knife and cut straight down through the
throat just behind the jaws until you get down
to the bone. Saw through this and continue to
cut with the knife until you've severed the
pig's head. Set aside.
Now you have a headless pig laying on his
Starting at the neck of the pig, cut down the
centerline through the skin to the breastbone.
Cut through the skin, fat and muscle to the
bone. Careful when you get to the back end of
the sternum - the guts start there. After
you've exposed the sternum take your saw and
cut through it - starting at the head-end of
the pig. This will open the chest cavity with
the heart, lungs, etc.
Now stick your fingers under the meat/skin
and start to cut towards the back of the pig
being very careful not to nick a gut. They're
right there and it's pretty easy to get one.
Don't. Take your time - the pig is dead now
and it's a nice cold day. Relax.
On male pigs you'll need to trim around the
penis. Cut down on either side and locate the
urethra. Cut back till you've exposed enough
to tie off. Tie it off with a bit of twine and
drape it over to one side - just in case - so as
not to spill urine on the meat. If some squirts
out - wipe it off - it isn't the end of the world.
You might need to trip off any meat it got on
- just be careful.
Continue to cut down to the pelvis - the
urethra runs down, around the pelvis and back
up through the hole where the colon is -
watch out for it as you cut down through
there dissecting it loose and keeping it off to
one side. (Female pigs you can just cut down
to the anus.) Now, carefully cut down between
the two back legs (hams) through the muscle
and connective tissue till you hit the pelvis.
Immediately in front of the pelvis you'll find
the bladder - don't cut this. You can see the
bladder in these pictures - the whitish thing
on the right-hand side. Take the saw and
holding you fingers as in the pictures, using
tiny short strokes, saw through the pelvis. It
won't take long - don't tear open the bladder -
or the guts which may be poking out at you.
Once you've sawn through, push the legs apart
to open up the back end of the pig. On males,
loosen the urethra from the ham and keep it
out of the way. Now, you can get your fingers
down in around the colon, etc. work it loose
towards the back and then cut around the
anus. Tie this off to prevent spillage....
Now - back to the front end of the pig. Cut
down through the neck to loosen up the
windpipe and esophagus
Now, spread out your guts in a tub and pick
out the caul fat, liver, heart, spleen, kidneys -
whatever you want to save from the tasty bits.
Carefully pull the gall bladder off the liver -
rinse everything off with cold water and set
Now you're ready to skin your pig. With your
helper, hoist the [ig onto the skinning cradle
and set his back between the middle two
Saw off the back trotters halfway between the
knee and the hoof. Don't cut too closely to the
knee (hock) because you won't be able to
hang the meat by the tendon.
Skin the pig. Skin from the head end towards
the back end. Keep the skin pulled tight and
skim the knife down towards the skin leacing
as much fat, etc. on the carcass. Pig skins
adhere rather firmly to the pig – this isn’t like
skinning deer, steers, sheep, etc. – you can’t
just shuck the hide off a pig. Skin down as far
as you can on both sides. Lay the skin over
the outer two 2x4's and roll the pig to one
side or the other to finish skinning across the
Now - starting at one end or the other start
sawing the pig in half. Cut the meaty bits as
you go with a knife so you only have to 'saw'
the bone. Get someone ready to balance the
two halves on the skinning cradle.
Hang up the pig and rinse out the body cavity
with cold water.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Deep Litter Or Battery Cage - Reasons Poultry Farmers Should Go For Battery Cage Over Deep litter System

Deep Litter Or Battery Cage - Reasons
Poultry Farmers Should Go For Battery
Cage Over Deep litter System
Here are some reasons why you should go
for the battery cage system as a poultry
Deep litter Or Battery cage
In commercial layers rearing, egg
production is much higher in caged birds
because movement of chickens is restricted
allowing more feed conversion into egg
materials. This is the opposite of what is
obtained in floor rearing where birds roam
freely, burning considerable energy that
should have been directed at producing
eggs, resulting in a lower production.
Battery cage system denies chickens direct
access to their faeces. This wholly translates
to reduced risk of infection and medication
costs, lowering the overall cost of
production. Whereas for floor birds who
have direct access to their faeces, picking up
their faeces with food as well as ammonia
build up can constitute serious health risks.
In the battery cage system, the chickens
have no contact with their eggs which will
roll out of their reach unlike the deep litter
where the chickens break some of the eggs
resulting to loss of revenue
Feed wastage is reduced to the minimum in
battery cage system. Feeding and watering is
also easier done when compared with what
happens in the floor rearing system. In deep
litter system, feeding and watering is more
stressful and even the birds soil the feed and
water by soiling it with faeces, they may
knock off drinkers leading to wet litter, an
important predisposing factor to coccidiosis.
Stock taking is much easier in a battery
cage. Even if there are tens of thousands of
broiler or layer birds on the farm, the
owner or manager can easily count his
birds. This exercise would be very difficult
to carry out in deep litter system where
they birds are moving about constantly.
Farm hands find it easier to steal from the
flock in a deep litter system.
Waste removal is easier in a poultry farm
operating battery cage system. Removing
poultry litter in deep litter system involves
complete removal of shaving, moving of
birds etc whereas for caged bird, you just
need to remove the layer of shaving spread
under the cages every 2-3days. You can mix
fossil shell with the birds' feed to reduce
odour or include larvacide to eliminate
maggots (fly larva stage) on your farm. This
may however increase your total running
Battery Cage Or Deep Litter System - Deep
Litter Vs Cage System
Various trials have been carried out to
compare the effects on egg production , egg
quality and feed conversion using battery
cage versus deep litter system models of
management. It has been discovered that
these variables improved greatly in poultry
cage rearing system as opposed to rearing
on the floor. However, you need economic
survey to be able to ascertain the
profitability and relevance of each rearing
system to different in different climates

What Is The Cost/Price Of Battery Cage In
Do you 96 birds/unit or 120birds/unit 2 or 3
tiers need quality cages imported or locally
fabricated? Some with automated and semi-
automated drinkers and feeders. To buy
quality imported and locally made poultry
cages at cheap prices and affordable rates in
Nigeria, call me on 08060243133.
Poultry Business In Nigeria- Success Tips
You need to put in place effective marketing
strategy to succeed in poultry farming
business. Many poultry farmers in Nigeria
lose millions during egg glut when they
can't get market for their eggs. Extensive
market survey will influence how large you
want to produce so you can easily sell off
your poultry birds and products. Ensure
you grow a huge list of middlemen who
will help distribute you

r produce in case
one disappoints you. Source for outlets for
your broiler birds such as eateries before
you commence production at all. The
profitability of broiler production in Nigeria
is undeniable. If your are going into layers
production, take your time to conduct
intensive feasibility study on poultry egg
production business in Nigeria.
Comparing Broiler Production With Layer
Differences between broiler and layers
farming - Which is more lucrative?
Both broiler chicken farming and layer
birds production are are lucrative poultry
farming ventures. However, they both deal
with life so a single mistake is enough to
wipe your entire flock. Before choosing to
book for either broiler or pullets day old
chicks , you should evaluate other factors
apart from the evident cost implications.
Although they need a shorter vaccination
regimen, broilers responds negatively faster
to less resistance to withstand shabby
management practices.
READ: How To Become A Livestock Feed
Distributor: Supply Poultry And Fish Feeds
Demand for chicken meat is comparatively
steadier, glut is rarely experienced. There is
more profit on Layers production in the
long run as you can realise up to N7/bird
daily as net returns at full production.
Market for eggs is easier to find than for
chicken meat if you don't have a frozen
food outlet. Cost of labour, medication and
feeding is a major factor to compare. Within
7-8wks you would have finished a cycle of
broiler production but you need to be
financially stable to feed layers up to
18-20wks before you realise and a few more
weeks before sales of egg is able to take care
of their feeding.
GUIDE: How To Start Poultry Farming
For broiler, it is more cost effective to rear
them on deep litter but layers need cages to
restrict their movement for more
conversion, to preserve egg in good
condition, to eliminate health risks and to
be able to manage litter easily considering
the fact that they would be on the farm for
many months.
READ: Poultry Feed Formulation Methods
For Broiler And Layer Birds
All in all, before choosing between broilers
and layers as an investment choice in
poultry production, you should assess:
1. Level of know-how
2. Plans for expansion
3. Amount of financial and human resources
at your disposal
4. Available market
I'll be writing more on this topic soon,
comparing feeding, management and
profitability of these two agribusinesses.
This will assist those who want to know
which is more lucrative between broiler
production and raising layers birds.
SEE: How To Write A Poultry Farm Business
Broiler Or Layers? - Make the best
investment choice in poultry farming