Friday 8 January 2016

Pig production business

Pig production business in Lagos state alone
has the potential of generating about $2
billion (N300 billion) annually. Gbolahan
Lawal, the commissioner for agric, Lagos
state revealed this recently at a forum in
Lagos organised by the Commercial Agric
Development (CADP) team.
Currently two piggery estates exist in the
state. These are Oke Aro and Gberigbe in
Alimosho and Ikorodu local government areas
respectively) with a total of 250 pens being
managed by 1200 farmers of the total 2,350
pig farmers in the state.
Pig farmers are also spread across Ojo,
Alimoso, Badagry and Ikorodu local
government areas; that the state has a total
of 205,696 pigs of which about 43 percent are
reared in the Oke Aro and Gberigbe estates.
Oke Aro Pig Farm Estate has the largest
concentration of pig farmers in the West Africa
Sub region and has patronage from as far as
Republic of Benin. Leveraging on this huge
potential in piggery value chain will increase
pig production by 20 percent, increase sales
by 30 percent as well as employment
generation by 30 percent in the next five years
The Oke Aro Farm Settlement has been a good
source of income for men and women that
come from Oke-Aro itself, Agbado, Ope ilu and
other surrounding towns and villages.
Raising pigs can be pursued as a small-scale
operation as source of family meat and
supplement income or it can be made into a
large-scale operation. Pigs may be raised in
highly controlled environments (hog lots)
indoor, in open spaces or barns as breeding
sows or grown and sold for slaughter to
butcher shops. Here are the aspects of pig
raising that a grower must carefully consider:
Choosing Piglets to Raise
Pig feeders can be obtained from stock
breeders, and producers, in auctions and
classified ads. Pigs are of different breeds
some of them are well suited for specific
environments, indoor or outdoor. Crossbred
pigs tend to grow faster, consume feed more
efficiently and are vigorous. When buying a
feeder, choose the large and healthy looking
ones, at least 25 lbs. If you are choosing a
male, which is observed to grow slightly faster
than females, get one that is already
castrated. Male or female, they are preferably
immunized. Ask the breeder for health
information and stock of the breeder.
Proper Nutrition for Pigs
Pigs feed on both grains and meat. They can
also be fed with cooked table scraps and
vegetables. Corn is their most common food,
but they could benefit from having a diet with
protein from soybeans or cooked meat.
Further, they grow faster with vitamins and
other supplements. Piglets have higher protein
requirements than mature ones. Feeds can be
bought packaged and in bulk. Pigs must also
have adequate supply of drinking water daily,
about two to four gallons. Provide water either
through a tub or automatic nipple waterer.
Ideal Housing for Pigs
Pigs need housing to keep them warm during
cold temperatures and to shelter them from
excessive heat. Pigs are sensitive to heat and
could die from heat stress. When housed
indoors, temperature conditions must be well
regulated. Controlled temperature conditions
can help maximize growth. Cooling
mechanisms for pigs can come in the form of
drip water system or a wallow (for a hog pen).
Pigs can be housed indoors in individual
stalls, pens (in groups or batch) or in barns.
Even if the pigs are raised outdoors they
would need a shelter during cold and hot
weathers. The housing should have a space
for feeding and bedding.
Pig Farm Sanitation
Sanitation is important to keep the pigs
disease-free. A mechanism for easy cleaning
and removal of waste is necessary for any type
of pig housing. Some use slotted pen floors to
make waste collection easy. Hosing a barn
and removal of manure daily are
recommended. So is keeping the floor dry to
reduce odour.
After five to seven months, pigs are likely to
reach ideal market weight of more than
Apart from the challenge of sourcing for
roughages, I don’t think there is any other
one. The return on investment in the business
is very high because a female pig gives birth
to about 10 piglets twice in a year, and each
piglet sells for about N5, 000
Are you frustrated with the limited quality of
Pig Raising books on the market? Are you
disappointed again that they are difficult to
follow? Not enough information? Do you have
questions on raising pigs properly that need
to be answered?
You have tons of questions about raising pigs
and you’re sick and tired of searching for
information from all over the place, struggling
to get the true and complete facts.
The gestation period in pigs is 115 days;
(3months,3weeks,3days) so, they reproduce
regularly to provide income for the farmer. The
business requires patience. Anyone who
wishes to go into pig farming must have a
passion for the business. Feeding pigs takes a
period of seven months before they mature for
selling. You need to start with the weaners
which go for about N5,000 while pregnant
pigs are sold for N30,000-N40,000. Those
who don’t have good knowledge of the
business can end up feeding their pigs for 10
months and get just 50kg. But if you really
understand the nitty-gritty of pig farming, at
seven months after weaning, you can get 80kg
to 100kg. Pigs are sold according to their
weight @N260 per kilogramme.
Our guide will run you through questions you
need to consider before construction of your
pig farm. It will also give you a basic idea on
what to expect when operating and managing
your pig farm business.
E-Book Manuals for start-up
CHAPTER 1 How to start pig farming business
Breeds and breeding
Choice of Breed
Selection of Breeding Gilts
Selection of Breeding Boars
Breeding Programs - Breeding models
Management of Breeding Stock
Farrowing and birth management
Farrowing preparation measures and birth of
Birth of piglets
Problems related to the birth
CHAPTER 2 Piglet management
Feeding piglets whose mother does not
produce enough milk
Teeth Trimming
Anaemia or Iron deficiency
Tail Docking
Splaylegged Piglets
Rearing motherless piglets
Feeding program
Weaning piglets
Problems at weaning
CHAPTER 3 Housing/Construction details of a
Feeder and waters
Wallowing tank
Feeding passage
Cleaning passage
Sewage tank
Compost pits
Room Arrangement
Determining The Number Of Pens And Stalls
Required In A Pig Unit
Determining the number of places for
replacement stock
Determining the number of places in the
growing / finishing accommodation
Layout of the piggery
CHAPTER 4 Feeding pigs
Feed sources
Making Rations
Other Alternative Feed Resources to Assist to
Reduce Feed Cost
Daily Feed Requirements
Pig feed formula
Feeding rates by age and expected weight
CHAPTER 5 Common pests and diseases in
Symptoms, Prevention and treatment
General recommendation
Responsible use of vaccines and vaccination in
pig production
Worming Recommendations For Pigs
Six Steps To Antibiotic Selection For Nursery
And Finishing Disease
Water medication for pigs
Buying in stock,
Moving and transporting
200pigs or more in 12months under good
Our ebook can help you establish the clear
vision and goals you will need to guide your
new agricultural venture. It will help you
identify and assess personal motivations,
business and farming skills, and available
resources. It will help you clarify values. The
goal of Our ebook is to help you decide
whether starting an agricultural business is
right for you, and-based on that decision-to
help you plan practical next steps.
Product Details
• Print Length: 120 pages
• Publisher: Farm Business Setup Venture
(January 4, 2016)
• Publication Date: Last edited ( (January
4, 2016)
• Language: English
• PDF to Word Wise: Enabled
PRICE: N5,000
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Harvesting your own pigs at farm is much
easier than you might think. You don't need a
lot of fancy tools or front end loaders or
special facilities. All you need is two
moderately strong people, a few tools and a
The first thing is, of course, to kill the pig. I
was unable to get actual pictures of this since
it's a little hard to take photographs and
plunge a knife into 90kg of kicking, thrashing
pig. You've all read about making an 'x' from
the pig's eyes to his ears and aiming for
slightly higher than the intercepts of the two
lines. That's what you're aiming for. The
desired outcome is a stunned, but not totally
blown away pig, ready for the next step which
is sticking. You want the pig to actually die
from loss of blood from the severed arteries in
its neck.
There are hundreds of pictures and videos of
this out there - try a youtube search. It
sounds much harder than it actually is. If you
can't go watch someone first - you'll be fine.
Just do it - afterwards you'll be amazed how
easy (and fast) it really goes.
After you've stuck the pig and it's really
bleeding well, step back. Get outta the way
and let it do its thing. It might take it a little
while. If it's still bleeding and kicking after a
minute or so - try sticking it again - you may
not have cut well enough. Chances are you'll
be fine though
OK - you've done it - you've killed and bled a
pig! Congratulations. The rest is child's play
by comparison.
Next step. Drag that pig out on to a clean
('ish) surface - gravel is nice - clean concrete
is nicer. Now grab a scrub brush and hose off
the blood, mud and poo that might have
gotten smeared all over during the death-
throes. Go over the whole pig scrubbing and
rinsing till you get him nice and clean. This
will help immensely keeping the meat clean
when you skin - why bother with all that
trouble when you can wash it all off in 5
minutes and know you've got a nice clean
carcass to work with.
OK - now you've got some options.
Traditionally, pigs were scalded and scraped
to get the bristles and gunk off them. This left
the hide on the pig - which was helpful if you
were going to salt it down and hang it up to
dry. Many traditional cultures would
alternatively scorch the bristles by mounding
straw over the clean dry pig and setting the
pile alight. This works very well too and was
preferred by many as they thought it closed up
the pores better and made the bacon keep
better. A modernized form of this is to use a
propane roofer's torch to burn off the bristles.
We do this in the fall when we kill 7-10 pigs
at a time simply because we don't have
anywhere to hang that many hogs. The skin
still really helps keep the meat clean - we
scorch them, scrub them really well, gut and
halve them and lay them out on a sheet of
plastic on a concrete floor which really helps
chill them down nicely.
The best and easiest thing (in my opinion) is
to skin the pig right away. Then it's ready to
go when you're ready to cut it - no fuss - no
muss. There are, I am sure, a thousand ways
to skin a pig. What we do is to make a
skinning cradle out of 5 2x4's set on a couple
of saw horses. Cheap and easy. Pigs skin
most easily from the head back - rather than
from the hind-end forward like one would
normally skin sheep or cattle or deer. You can
hang them by the jaw or by the back trotters -
whatever. If you're just doing a few though a
cradle really make it nice.
Now, with your clean pig on his back, take
your knife and cut straight down through the
throat just behind the jaws until you get down
to the bone. Saw through this and continue to
cut with the knife until you've severed the
pig's head. Set aside.
Now you have a headless pig laying on his
Starting at the neck of the pig, cut down the
centerline through the skin to the breastbone.
Cut through the skin, fat and muscle to the
bone. Careful when you get to the back end of
the sternum - the guts start there. After
you've exposed the sternum take your saw and
cut through it - starting at the head-end of
the pig. This will open the chest cavity with
the heart, lungs, etc.
Now stick your fingers under the meat/skin
and start to cut towards the back of the pig
being very careful not to nick a gut. They're
right there and it's pretty easy to get one.
Don't. Take your time - the pig is dead now
and it's a nice cold day. Relax.
On male pigs you'll need to trim around the
penis. Cut down on either side and locate the
urethra. Cut back till you've exposed enough
to tie off. Tie it off with a bit of twine and
drape it over to one side - just in case - so as
not to spill urine on the meat. If some squirts
out - wipe it off - it isn't the end of the world.
You might need to trip off any meat it got on
- just be careful.
Continue to cut down to the pelvis - the
urethra runs down, around the pelvis and back
up through the hole where the colon is -
watch out for it as you cut down through
there dissecting it loose and keeping it off to
one side. (Female pigs you can just cut down
to the anus.) Now, carefully cut down between
the two back legs (hams) through the muscle
and connective tissue till you hit the pelvis.
Immediately in front of the pelvis you'll find
the bladder - don't cut this. You can see the
bladder in these pictures - the whitish thing
on the right-hand side. Take the saw and
holding you fingers as in the pictures, using
tiny short strokes, saw through the pelvis. It
won't take long - don't tear open the bladder -
or the guts which may be poking out at you.
Once you've sawn through, push the legs apart
to open up the back end of the pig. On males,
loosen the urethra from the ham and keep it
out of the way. Now, you can get your fingers
down in around the colon, etc. work it loose
towards the back and then cut around the
anus. Tie this off to prevent spillage....
Now - back to the front end of the pig. Cut
down through the neck to loosen up the
windpipe and esophagus
Now, spread out your guts in a tub and pick
out the caul fat, liver, heart, spleen, kidneys -
whatever you want to save from the tasty bits.
Carefully pull the gall bladder off the liver -
rinse everything off with cold water and set
Now you're ready to skin your pig. With your
helper, hoist the [ig onto the skinning cradle
and set his back between the middle two
Saw off the back trotters halfway between the
knee and the hoof. Don't cut too closely to the
knee (hock) because you won't be able to
hang the meat by the tendon.
Skin the pig. Skin from the head end towards
the back end. Keep the skin pulled tight and
skim the knife down towards the skin leacing
as much fat, etc. on the carcass. Pig skins
adhere rather firmly to the pig – this isn’t like
skinning deer, steers, sheep, etc. – you can’t
just shuck the hide off a pig. Skin down as far
as you can on both sides. Lay the skin over
the outer two 2x4's and roll the pig to one
side or the other to finish skinning across the
Now - starting at one end or the other start
sawing the pig in half. Cut the meaty bits as
you go with a knife so you only have to 'saw'
the bone. Get someone ready to balance the
two halves on the skinning cradle.
Hang up the pig and rinse out the body cavity
with cold water.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    If you want to go into pig farm business, There are so many company website this days like that will enable you as a beginner to raise the fund you need to start up your pig farm business without you seeking for a loan.

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    You can visit and register with the company website here to raise the fund you need now to go into your pig farm business.
