Thursday 7 January 2016

Deep Litter Or Battery Cage - Reasons Poultry Farmers Should Go For Battery Cage Over Deep litter System

Deep Litter Or Battery Cage - Reasons
Poultry Farmers Should Go For Battery
Cage Over Deep litter System
Here are some reasons why you should go
for the battery cage system as a poultry
Deep litter Or Battery cage
In commercial layers rearing, egg
production is much higher in caged birds
because movement of chickens is restricted
allowing more feed conversion into egg
materials. This is the opposite of what is
obtained in floor rearing where birds roam
freely, burning considerable energy that
should have been directed at producing
eggs, resulting in a lower production.
Battery cage system denies chickens direct
access to their faeces. This wholly translates
to reduced risk of infection and medication
costs, lowering the overall cost of
production. Whereas for floor birds who
have direct access to their faeces, picking up
their faeces with food as well as ammonia
build up can constitute serious health risks.
In the battery cage system, the chickens
have no contact with their eggs which will
roll out of their reach unlike the deep litter
where the chickens break some of the eggs
resulting to loss of revenue
Feed wastage is reduced to the minimum in
battery cage system. Feeding and watering is
also easier done when compared with what
happens in the floor rearing system. In deep
litter system, feeding and watering is more
stressful and even the birds soil the feed and
water by soiling it with faeces, they may
knock off drinkers leading to wet litter, an
important predisposing factor to coccidiosis.
Stock taking is much easier in a battery
cage. Even if there are tens of thousands of
broiler or layer birds on the farm, the
owner or manager can easily count his
birds. This exercise would be very difficult
to carry out in deep litter system where
they birds are moving about constantly.
Farm hands find it easier to steal from the
flock in a deep litter system.
Waste removal is easier in a poultry farm
operating battery cage system. Removing
poultry litter in deep litter system involves
complete removal of shaving, moving of
birds etc whereas for caged bird, you just
need to remove the layer of shaving spread
under the cages every 2-3days. You can mix
fossil shell with the birds' feed to reduce
odour or include larvacide to eliminate
maggots (fly larva stage) on your farm. This
may however increase your total running
Battery Cage Or Deep Litter System - Deep
Litter Vs Cage System
Various trials have been carried out to
compare the effects on egg production , egg
quality and feed conversion using battery
cage versus deep litter system models of
management. It has been discovered that
these variables improved greatly in poultry
cage rearing system as opposed to rearing
on the floor. However, you need economic
survey to be able to ascertain the
profitability and relevance of each rearing
system to different in different climates

What Is The Cost/Price Of Battery Cage In
Do you 96 birds/unit or 120birds/unit 2 or 3
tiers need quality cages imported or locally
fabricated? Some with automated and semi-
automated drinkers and feeders. To buy
quality imported and locally made poultry
cages at cheap prices and affordable rates in
Nigeria, call me on 08060243133.

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