Sunday 24 January 2016

Groundnut Oil production process in Nigeria

Oil Production: How
to Extract Oil from
Groundnut Seed in
Groundnut oil has been one of the highly
demanded oil in Nigeria. It has been preferred
by many people to the other oil (vegetable oil)
for cooking in the home. Many do prefer it
because of the sweet aroma from the oil and
looking at the price relative to other cooking
oil, it is less expensive than the other cooking
This oil is extracted from groundnut. Someone
was just saying to himself, “from groundnut”?
Yea you can extract groundnut oil from the
same groundnut you use to drink garri. As a
Food Technologist and an entrepreneur, I will
not only show you how to extract the oil but I
also will be teaching you how to market the oil
in Nigeria.
There are various method through which you
can extract groundnut oil from it seed, though
I’m gonna focus on the traditional method in
this post. Reading this post and getting
started now could help you get going with the
traditional method and from there, you are
likely to later own a big oil company in your
country or town. Many people even earn there
living from this, remember drop by drop makes
a lake.
Right before showing the method it will be
good to give a description of the product in
terms of the physical and chemical properties
of what we are to produce. These are the
things you should know before going to the
extraction method. Looking at the density of
oil relative to that of water, oil (cooking oil) is
less-dense to water. If you’ll like to practise
this just pour some water into a bowl
containing oil and observe what happen. You
would see that the oil will float on top of
water which means water that is denser has
sunk to the bottom.
Also oil is more viscous than water. Oil can
not dissolve in polar solvent like water but in
non-polar solvent.
Oil can also undergo a process called
hydrogenation to form fat; this is done by
heating oil in the presence of catalyst and
hydrogen to result into fat (i.e. margarine).
When oil is mixed with caustic soda it yield
soap,a process called saponification.
Extraction Process
The first step is to get the materials, which
1. Groundnut seed
2. Mill
3. Source of heat (for pre-blanching).
STEP #1:
Having succeeded in getting the materials, you
then proceed to clean the seed. Note that
cleaning here does not mean washing the
seed. Cleaning here is picking the extragenous
materials (dirts) in the seeds. This is very
important because ignoring this step will
affect the taste and colour of the oil. Dirt here
also refer to the spoilt seeds (rotten seeds) or
seeds with fungi like mucor growing on them.
You must do this in order to get a quality end
product that will be nutritive in value.
STEP #2:
You then proceed by carrying out a process
called pre-blanching. This is heating the seed
in a low heat. Why should I do this? This is to
rupture the oil cells and also to make it easy
to remove the husk (i.e. the seed coat).
STEP #3:
Next you have to carry out winning. Since it’s
a traditional method, you can do this by
robbing within your palm in order to remove
the back coat. The coat will be winnowed from
the seed.
STEP #4:
Having done that you take your naked seed to
the Attrition Mill for grinding. No attrition
mill? Then you can use a grinding machine
instead. The grinding make you to get a paste.
STEP #5:
The next thing you’ll do is to add a little hot
water and squeeze the paste in order to
extract the oil. Gradually oil begins to come
out. This continues until you’ve squeeze
reasonable oil from the cake.
Note that oil would still remain in the paste,
you’ll extract the remaining oil by frying. Thus
you’ve succeeded in extracting your oil. The
fried paste is your groundnut cake. Got any
question, ask using the Comment Form below.
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1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    If you want to go into groundnut oil business, There are so many company website this days like that will enable you as a beginner to raise the fund you need to start up your groundnut oil business without you seeking for a loan.

    This company is where many business dealers from all over the world generate fund that backup their various businesses financially.

    I used this company to backup my cocoa beans export business each time my business is running down.

    You can visit and register with the company website here to raise the fund you need now to go into your groundnut oil business.
